
  • Laura B. Plunkett

    Laura B. Plunkett MPH, CHES

    Program Specialist, Center for Healthy Aging, National Council on Aging

  • Jennifer L. Tripken

    Jennifer L. Tripken Ed.D.

    Associate Director, Center for Healthy Aging at the National Council on Aging


Clinical-Community Connections: The Key to Great Outcomes for Older Adult Patients

About This Webinar

Did you know the National Council on Aging (NCOA) works with thousands of community-based organizations (CBOs) across the United States to provide services and supports to 1 in 5 adults over the age of 65? This organization is dedicated to meeting the health and wellness needs of older adults and is the perfect complementary partner for healthcare providers who work with older adults.

Extend your acronym lexicon and learn about partners and organizations in your community who are dedicated to solving the challenging problems of transportation, access to food, social isolation, depression, and lack of physical activity. Learn about the evidence-based programs offered (both face to face and virtually), how to develop partnerships, how to refer patients to their services, and how to leverage the resources in your backyard for the best patient outcomes.

Watch this webinar to learn how to:

  • Define programs and services offered by NCOA
  • Identify the Aging Services Network in your community
  • Define an “evidence-based health promotion program”
  • Discuss the steps to connect an older adult with a program

Watch the Webinar now