
  • Polly Mazanec

    Polly Mazanec PhD, ACNP-C, AOCN, ACHPN, FPCN, FAAN

    Project Director for ELNEC Undergraduate and ELNEC Graduate Nursing Education and Research Associate Professor at Case Western, ELNEC


Complicated Grief and Loss: Uncharted Territory With COVID-19

About This Webinar

This pandemic is unlike anything we have ever witnessed. Patients who are seriously ill with COVID-19 are physically separated from their families due to risk of viral spread. Patients are dying alone, and families are having to say goodbye to their loved ones over cell phones and iPads. Healthcare professionals are struggling with moral distress, compassion fatigue, and burnout from limited equipment and protective gear, cumulative losses, and heavy workloads. This webinar discusses the difficult loss experiences that patients, families, and healthcare workers are facing and strategies to deal with the associated grief.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • How the coronavirus pandemic has complicated the “normal grief” experience
  • What family caregivers need to support them through this unusual grief experience
  • Why healthcare professionals on the front-lines of the pandemic are at great risk for secondary stress syndrome
  • Strategies to support healthcare professionals during and after the pandemic surge