Course Preview

Ethical Decision Making

Navigating Ethical Dilemmas

As a health professional, you have to make ethical decisions on a regular basis. Many of them are quite straightforward and common sense. Others, however, can present you with an ethical dilemma, where the best course of action is not always clear.

The professional organization related to your field surely has an ethical code of conduct with guidelines, but it would be impossible for these guidelines to cover every situation. Furthermore, knowing ethical standards and being able to apply them to unique situations are two different things.

This course introduces your staff to the concept of ethics and standards of conduct that relate to clinical health professionals. The main goal of this course is to teach them how to identify situations where ethical challenges are common, as well as how to incorporate a few different ethical decision-making models into those challenges. To better help your staff apply the material they learn, they will test their knowledge as they work their way through this course through a series of interactive vignettes.