
  • William A. Dombi,

    William A. Dombi, Esq.

    President, The National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC)


Home Care and Hospice Regulatory Update 2020

About This Webinar

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) President, William A. Dombi, reflects on the current status of home care and hospice along with a prognosis of the future. He addresses hot topics on key home care and hospice regulatory and policy issues.

Hear the latest on CMS regulations and policies that are of greatest concern to home health agencies including the recently issued CMS Medicare Home Health Final Rule for the 2020 payment model, PDGM, including rates of payment that will start on January 1. How will the new final rule directly affect your Medicare home health agency? Learn how NAHC will continue to work in partnership with Congress to secure sensible payment reforms and protect the 3.5 million Medicare beneficiaries who receive home health services throughout the country.

We also provide updates on key hospice regulatory and policy issues, including: hospice payment (including rebasing of payment rates), the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) examination of hospice survey performance, matters related to inclusion of hospice under Medicare Advantage (MA), hospice “relatedness” including pending requirements to expand the hospice election statement, and OIG findings on hospice and Part D spending.

Watch this webinar to learn about:

  • Best practices to achieve compliance requirements
  • New policies for compliance
  • Current regulations

Watch the Webinar now