White Paper

How PDGM and Medicare Advantage Will Evolve Home Health and Home Care

Download this white paper to learn how to:

  • Leverage the new technology demands of PDGM
  • Attract and retain your workforce and help them navigate change
  • Increase your awareness of competitors
  • Analyze your case mix to prepare for change

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How PDGM and Medicare Advantage Will Evolve Home Health and Home Care White Paper

CMS is now starting to push more and more services into the home setting. It is a less expensive care setting and provides the level of services that keep our patients and clients happier and healthier. However, this recent push is vastly different to how home health and home care have been practiced historically.

This paper will examine, at a high level, two very important drivers in this market, PDGM and Medicare Advantage, including how these initiatives will affect how home health and home care evolve.