White Paper

The Impact of FFPSA on Foster Care: How Can You Be Prepared?

Download this white paper to learn:

  • Current trends in the push for normalcy
  • What lies ahead for foster care under FFPSA
  • Key areas that service providers will need to improve to receive federal funds
  • Speedbumps in the way of care providers
  • Real world solutions to help providers remain competitive and thrive within the new system

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About This White Paper

In the first attempt to overhaul the U.S. foster care system in nearly 40 years, the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), a landmark law passed in 2018, is transforming the way providers interact with their foster care charges.

This initiative is driven by an overarching guideline known as “normalcy,” and among the changes include a requirement for service agencies to provide extensive documentation and justification for their placements.

Download this white paper to learn more about these changes, how they will impact your service agency, and how to prepare for them.