Sample Course

Maintaining Client Dignity through the Behavior Change Process

This course will help RBTs:

  • Recognize behavior change plans that effectively address the dignity of the client.
  • Determine when behavior change plans are using the least intrusive intervention possible.
  • Identify situations in which the dignity of clients could be compromised.
  • Contract ethical treatment from harmful treatment.

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Behavior intervention programs must keep dignity and self-worth at the forefront

The goal of a behavior intervention programs is to teach beneficial skills while also reducing behaviors that prevent full functioning in that person’s natural environment. While these goals provide the foundation for behavior change, they cannot and should not be accomplished without considering the dignity and self-worth of the person at the forefront of the intervention.

This course uses case studies and interactive situations to teach Registered Behavior Technicians how to approach behavior change interventions using the BACB’s Professional and Ethical Compliance Code as a guide for ensuring client dignity and human rights protection.