
  • Elizabeth Rochin

    Elizabeth Rochin PhD, RN, NE-BC

    Vice President of Nursing Services, AWHONN

  • Sandhya Gardner

    Sandhya Gardner MD

    Chief Medical Officer, Relias

  • Lora Sparkman

    Lora Sparkman MHA, BSN, RN

    VP, Partner, Clinical Solutions, Patient Safety & Quality, Relias

  • John Harrington

    John Harrington CMI

    VP, Solutions, Relias


Maternal Mortality: Changing the Narrative

About This Webinar

AWHONN and Relias continue to move the needle on maternal patient safety improvement while enabling high reliability. But there is still more work to be done. In the recent USA Today article titled “Dangerous Deliveries”, several areas of opportunity for improvement in maternal care were highlighted.

Watch this on-demand webinar in which clinical and risk leaders from AWHONN and Relias discuss these important issues that impede reducing variation in care and the solutions that are demonstrating results. There are many organizations working hard and “doing it right” and that’s where we will focus this discussion.

Watch the Webinar now