
  • Alisha Cornell

    Alisha Cornell DNP, MSN, RN



Nurse Self-Care: Learning How to Take Care of Yourself and Your Team

About This Webinar

The role of a nurse requires working under stress for long periods, which may negatively impact mental and physical health over time. If not managed appropriately, this long-term exposure can lead to chronic stress, depression, and lasting challenges for individual nurses and their nursing teams. With the right knowledge, resources, and tools, nurse leaders can build a work environment that supports positive health and the effective management of stress.

Watch this webinar to:

  • Identify the signs, symptoms, and environmental factors that lead to chronic stress and depression in nurses
  • Evaluate the current work environment and the impact of change in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Explore practical self-care ideas and organizational strategies to protect the mental and physical health of individuals and teams

Watch the Webinar now