White Paper

Patient Experience: Fundamentals and New Frontiers

Download this white paper to explore some of the ways innovation can strengthen the patient experience, including:

  • Asking patients “What matters to you?” to start a conversation about patient preferences and values
  • Bringing together multiple sources of patient feedback to create a more detailed and rounded view of the patient experience
  • Using focused listening, including leader rounding, to improve the engagement of your care teams
  • Involving patient and family advisers early and often as you select and design consumer-facing technology

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Patient Experience white paper cover

Healthcare is experiencing a consumer revolution. Patients who were once willing to meet healthcare systems on their terms are now at the forefront of initiating change. Patients want health systems to improve patient experience and meet them where they are – on their phones, on their schedule, with minimum hassle.

What sets healthcare apart from other consumer-driven industries, however, is the healing relationship between provider and patient. The fundamental practices that lead to outstanding patient experiences are those that cultivate this relationship.

As new technologies—such as patient portals, telehealth apps, and smart hospital rooms—create new frontiers within the patient-provider relationship, we must consider how to use existing tools and develop new ones to strengthen the special, healing relationship at the core of what we do.