
  • Cathy Kluttz-Hile

    Cathy Kluttz-Hile RN, BSN, MA, CDDN

    Nurse Consultant, Kluttz Health Care Consulting, PC


Person-Centered Health Care for People with IDD

About This Webinar

Nurses who provide care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in community and congregate settings often straddle two approaches to care. Other clinicians may take the medical-model approach, which views disability as a “deviation from normal” and assumes the provider will control the healthcare decisions. Individuals with IDD, as well as their advocates and service providers, likely use a person-centered approach, which considers the individual’s values, desires and goals in any plan of care.

It is often nurses who must navigate both approaches to provide quality, respectful healthcare. Watch this webinar as, Cathy Kluttz-Hile, RN, BSN, MA, CDDN, a nurse with more than forty years of experience working with individuals with IDD, discusses:

  • The challenges nurses face when providing care in IDD settings
  • How nurses can navigate the conflicts between person-centered and medical models of care
  • What IDD administrators and managers need to understand in order to work well with their nurses and support quality healthcare for the individuals they serve

Watch the Webinar now