White Paper

The Right Assessment for the Right Patient: The Power of Standardized Outcome Measures

Download this white paper to learn: 

  • Using standardized measures and why
  • Understanding patient challenges
  • Choosing the right assessment measure
  • Exploring the need for documentation and communication and a lot more

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The benefits of rehabilitation therapy — physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology — include improved mobility, enhanced quality of life, and greater independence. Yet standards of care often vary significantly in clinical practice.

To avoid variations in care and show the value of therapy services, ensure your rehabilitation therapists are using standardized outcome measures. Consistent use of appropriate standardized measures is the key to accurately assessing and documenting patient needs, planning evidence-based interventions, and communicating patient status across your team.

The best patient outcomes are achieved when the right rehabilitation therapy is delivered at the right dose at the right time.