Practicing Inclusivity

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Our Ongoing Commitment

We believe individuals of every ability, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, and age are an integral part of our community and contribute to our mission of improving the lives of our employees, clients, and those receiving services.

The start of our organization in 2012 was also the start of our commitment. We began our journey by supporting the LGBTQ community and individuals with disabilities. This included ensuring that these employees had access to the same benefits, resources, and opportunities as everyone else and supporting nonprofits that serve these populations. Most recently, we outlined four pillars to support racial equity in our community.

Our focus has evolved over time, but what hasn’t changed is our commitment to increasing diversity and supporting equity. Below are some ways we aim to do this for our employees.

Employee Development + Communication

With the help of employee resource groups, we continue to celebrate the differences and experiences between us, so we can grow and pave a path together. At Relias, we offer: 

  • Ongoing professional development and training on topics such as microaggressions and unconscious bias. 
  • Events with underrepresented groups driving meaningful conversations about leadership opportunities, individual development, and the importance of communication.
  • Weekly communications highlighting multi-cultural and religious holidays, celebrating employee accomplishments, and offering personal growth opportunities.

Policies + Practices With Impact

We believe incorporating equitable and inclusive practices into our workplace policies and processes keeps us accountable. At Relias, we practice: 

  • External audits to ensure equitable compensation for all employees. 
  • Intentional recruitment of candidates of color, veterans, LGBTQ individuals, and people with disabilities, ensuring that 25% of all new hires are people of color. 
  • Actively sharing gender pronouns in our email communications.

Workplace Environment

We understand a person’s surroundings have an impact on their emotional, mental, and physical well-being. This is why Relias is intentional about the features and components of our work environments, virtual and onsite.  

Our office was intentionally designed to be inclusive by incorporating dedicated spaces to help build a sense of belonging such as gender-neutral bathrooms and multiple nursing mothers’ rooms. We have a fitness room that is used for group activity, meditation, and prayer gatherings. We also have a Quiet Room that creates a space for staff to breath, meditate, or rest without external stimulation.

With a workforce that works from home frequently, we have worked to ensure the experience is the same whether you are in the room with others or dialing into the meeting. At-home setups include multiple monitors and docking stations so employees can easily move between the office and home. We also offer flexible work hours and benefits such as back up day care for children or parents to ensure our employees feel supported and can easily balance work and home life.

Diversity Awards & Partnerships

We're proud of the steps we're taking. View our latest Diversity Awards and Partnerships, as they demonstrate how we're progressing our mission and vision.

Read the Latest

Read Relias’ blog posts to learn how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) impacts people, outcomes, and organizations across the continuum of care.

Social determinants of health

The Relationship Between Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19

A young couple dealing with the impacts of racialized trauma

What is Racial Trauma? An Interview with Dr. Jamila Holcomb

Diversity and inclusion (DEI) in healthcare

How Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Can Influence Healthcare