
  • Linda Henderson-Smith

    Linda Henderson-Smith LCSW

    Director of Children and Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health

  • Sarah Flinspach

    Sarah Flinspach

    Project Coordinator, National Council for Behavioral Health


Providing Services to LGBTQ Youth

About This Webinar

More and more, today’s youth are openly self-identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or questioning (LGBTQ) their sexuality and gender identity. There is an urgent need to ensure that comprehensive and culturally competent social and mental health services and resources are available for LGBTQ youth. Though over the past ten years the child trauma treatment field has made significant inroads to increase awareness and competency in matters of culture and race, LGBTQ youth are often excluded from this discussion.

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn more about the LGBTQ youth population, cultural implications, and programmatic considerations.

  • Define basic concepts regarding LGBTQ youth
  • Discuss cultural considerations needed when working with the LGBTQ youth population
  • Describe programmatic considerations when working with the LGBTQ youth population

Watch the Webinar now