
  • Jason Howell

    Jason Howell MBA. BS, PRS

    Executive Director, Board President Emeritus, RecoveryPeople, National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR)

  • David Sheridan

    David Sheridan

    Board President, Director, Chandler Lodge Foundation, National Alliance for Recovery Residences


Recovery Residences to Improve Long-Term Outcomes

About This Webinar

Recovery from substance use disorders is a lifelong process that involves all aspects of a person’s health. According to NIDA, the length of abstinence is predictive of future sobriety; a person who remains sober for 3 years has increased chances of remaining sober. However, treatment often ends within a matter of weeks after initial detoxification and sobriety, leaving clients to maintain sobriety on their own.

Recovery residences are a key component of long-term, successful sobriety, however, quality can vary greatly and some do more harm than good. It is important that quality recovery residences are treated as part of the continuum of care.

As healthcare shifts to value-based purchasing and outcome-driven care, providing better long-term care to those struggling with substance use will prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and increase the success of initial treatment.

  • An overview of recovery residences and the types of services they provide
  • A look at the challenges to quality residences and how to address them
  • A brief history of NARR, including how it came into existence, national standards, certification programs, level of recovery support and emerging models of statewide recovery systems
  • A discussion of how to incorporate the use of recovery residences into your continuum of care

Watch the Webinar now