Relias Nursing Suite

A Full-Suite Nurse Solution

Improve your nurse hiring, onboarding, and learning programs all in one place.


Formal, comprehensive nurse retention strategies are increasingly becoming a strategic imperative for hospitals and health systems across the nation due to nurse shortages. Demand for healthcare services is increasing from expanded access under the Affordable Care Act, coupled with America’s aging population. However, the supply of nurses will not be enough in the coming years due to the following factors causing the “Perfect Storm”.

Addressing Today's
Nurse Workforce Crisis

Mass Exit of Workforce

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 700,000 nurses in the U.S., which represents about one-third of the workforce, will retire over the next 10 years.

Limited Nursing Education

Nursing schools are turning away qualified applicants due to insufficient faculty, clinical sites, classroom space, clinical preceptors, and budget constraints.

Increasing Nurse Turnover

Expectation differences, burnout, and challenging work environments are contributing to high nurse turnover rates, costing an average of $48,500 per RN.

Full-Suite Nurse
Retention Solution

The Relias Nursing Suite uses data from assessments to personalize education, supporting readiness to practice and improving performance. First in its class, the full-suite nurse solution uniquely covers four key areas to improve retention.

Hire the Right Person

Add validated pre-hire assessments to your hiring process to identify the strongest nurse candidates and place them in the best-fitting specialties.

Personalize Onboarding

Personalize your onboarding process to promote readiness to practice and maximize valuable face-to-face time in a blended learning approach.

Develop Competency

Use post-hire assessments to annually evaluate clinical knowledge and skills and deliver targeted learning to improve performance in specific areas.

Cultivate Leaders

Identify high-potential talent from within using assessments and develop their leadership-specific skills.

Ready to explore the Relias Nursing Suite for your hospital?

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Keep and Grow
Your Best Nurses

From day one, set your nurses up for success and continue to support their clinical and professional development using personalized learning plans.

Improve Nurse Satisfaction

Ensure a better job and organizational fit from the beginning of employment, followed by a personalized onboarding experience to improve satisfaction and engagement.

Increase Nurse Competency

Identify knowledge and skill gaps to target onboarding learning plans and continuously develop clinical competencies.

Reduce Nurse Turnover

Placing nurses where they can excel, in positions they love and supporting their professional development reduces turnover.

Improve Patient Care

Deliver high-quality, consistent care through nurses who stay longer and perform at the best of their abilities.

Save Time and Resouces

Personalizing education to the individual reduces overall seat time, which saves valuable time and resources.

Get Started Today