
  • Jonathan Evans

    Jonathan Evans MS

    Chief Executive Officer, InnovaTel Telepsychiatry

  • Keelin Garvey

    Keelin Garvey M.D.

    Director of Forensic Psychiatry, InnovaTel Telepsychiatry

  • Shauna Reitmeier

    Shauna Reitmeier MSW

    Chief Executive Officer, Northwestern Mental Health Center


Telemental Health: A Solution to Access and Resource Shortages

About This Webinar

As we look toward a future of healthcare change, a few things are certain regardless of provider type: we must increase access to care and speed up service delivery. If we remain unable to deliver the right services to clients when they need it, then health outcomes, as measured by improvement on key indicators, will not improve.

Telehealth, telemental health and telepsychiatry play important roles in solving the challenges of access and timeliness. If you have a telehealth program at your organization or are considering expanding services, this webinar is for you.

Join Jon Evans, CEO and Dr. Keelin Garvey of InnovaTel Telepsychiatry to discuss telehealth best practices and Shauna Reitmeier, MSW CEO of Northwestern MHC to hear about one organization’s experience with establishing a telehealth program.

During this webinar we cover:

  • Industry trends and healthcare staffing issues that impact access to needed care
  • Considerations and best practices in implementing and sustaining a telehealth program
  • How telepsychiatry program can benefit clients and help solve issues related to physician shortages

Watch the Webinar now