
  • Sam Cotton

    Sam Cotton , MSSW, PhD

    Assistant Professor , Department of Family and Geriatric Medicine, University of Louisville School of Medicine

  • Jennifer Hubbard

    Jennifer Hubbard , BA, CADDCT

    Social/ Clinical Research Assistant | Co-Program Manager, , Carolina Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program | FlourishConnect Project

  • Cristine Henage

    Cristine Henage , MPS, EdD

    Assistance Director , Carolina Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program | FlourishConnect Project

  • Lisa Leatherwood

    Lisa Leatherwood

    Nursing Home Administrator, Silver Bluff Villages


Faster Access to New Best Practices: Understanding Project ECHO (for Skilled Nursing Facility providers and administrators)

About This Webinar

This webinar is an introduction to Project ECHO. The goal of Project ECHO is to identify best practices to streamline the flow of spreading new medical knowledge from the university systems to frontline providers.

ECHO is designed for all healthcare providers to learn from each other in collaboration. Community providers use video technology to participate in guided practice to quickly provide the best care where the patient is. Project ECHO is designed to evaluate the impact of this training program on the following competencies for Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants in skilled nursing care:

  1. Age-friendly and trauma-informed care strategies
  2. Special needs of dementia patients
  3. Infectious disease management
  4. Improve vaccine access and decrease hesitancy
  5. Behavioral health needs
  6. Reduce health disparities & enhance social determinants of health for residents and staff

This webinar is for providers and administrators of skilled nursing facilities. After viewing this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Describe the goals of Project ECHO
  • Describe the knowledge-sharing model that Project ECHO is evaluating
  • Identify the impact of Project ECHO on overall patient health outcomes while reducing risk
  • Understand how to participate in Project ECHO

Watch the Webinar now