
  • Alisha Cornell

    Alisha Cornell DNP, MSN, RN



Lighting the Leadership Lamp: Uniting Your Baby Boomer and Millennial Nurses

About This Webinar

The U.S. workforce is experiencing a pivotal generational shift as baby boomers continue to retire and millennials begin to fill the gaps as the largest working segment. During this transition, it is key for organizations to recognize generational differences while highlighting similarities and identifying what each generation can contribute to the larger nursing profession.

Especially in regards to leadership development, organizations need to actively implement strategies to better align baby boomer and millennial nurses to support knowledge transfer and overall nurse retention and satisfaction.

During the generational hand-off between baby boomers and millennials, how is your organization building a strong leadership pipeline to maintain growth and success?

Discover key strategies for aligning your millennial and baby boomer nurses to meet the needs of individuals, as well as to achieve key organizational initiatives.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • Current vs future state of the workforce
  • Generational differences and similarities
  • 3 alignment strategies organizations can implement
  • Benefits of aligning generations

Watch the Webinar now