
  • Amanda Kelly

    Amanda Kelly PhD, BCBA-D, LBA

    Clinical Training Coordinator, Positive Behavior Supports, Corp.


Using Behavior Analysis to Teach Vocational Skills

Getting "Ready to Work" in WorkPlace Settings

When preparing for vocational settings, it is important for us to focus on building pivotal skills, such as reading and writing, following instructions, and being able to perform simple and more complex tasks. In this training, we review ways to assess learners prevocational and vocational skill sets.

In addition, we review ways to teach any skills that may be missing or weak in the learner’s repertoire. Possessing leisure skills and developing appropriate ways to “fill time” is a skill needed in the workplace setting. This webinar identifies a few skills and shares how they could be targeted.

During this webinar we:

  • Review assessments for determining pre-vocational and vocational skills to address
  • Discuss effective strategies for teaching these skills
  • Identify leisure activities appropriate for workplace settings

Watch the Webinar now

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