
  • Nellie Galindo

    Nellie Galindo MSW, MSPH

    Product Marketing Manager, Relias


Using a Trauma-Informed Approach in Crisis Intervention

About This Webinar

This webinar is part of the 2022 The Arc-Relias Webinar Series.

The Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) framework centers around understanding how trauma can impact individuals’ physical, social, and mental wellbeing, and how trauma can manifest in an individual’s thoughts and behaviors. This understanding can greatly improve the care and outcomes of individuals with IDD, especially when it comes to management of challenging behaviors and other crisis situations. In this webinar, you’ll learn how using a TIC framework in your organization and services can complement your crisis prevention and intervention strategies with persons served.

Learning Objectives:  

  • Describe the trauma-informed care framework and its use in IDD settings.
  • List reasons why a trauma-informed approach can complement crisis prevention strategies.
  • Describe how leveraging trauma-informed care strategies can improve crisis intervention.

Watch the Webinar now