
  • Christopher Reist

    Christopher Reist M.D., M.B.A

    Professor in Residence, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of California, Irvine

  • Dr. Joe Parks

    Dr. Joe Parks PhD

    Medical Director, National Council for Behavioral Health

  • Carol Clayton

    Carol Clayton PhD

    VP of Population Health Management, Relias


Why Is It So Hard to Take Care of Ourselves?

Simple Steps to Help Consumers Take Their Medicines

Evidence shows that one of the three keys to avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations is taking medications per the doctor’s order. However, many of us fail to follow the prescription regimen and doctor’s advice. Consistency in taking medications is a problem for all of us and is particularly compounded for those with complex medical and behavioral conditions.

The National Council on Behavioral Health recently released its white paper on best practices for care providers in supporting consumers with medication adherence. Watch this webinar to hear Joe Parks, MD, National Council Medical Director, and Chris Reist, MD, Relias Population Health Medical Advisor and contributor to the National Council white paper discuss how care providers can get better in supporting consumer self-care and, specifically, medication adherence.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • The negative impact on lack of adherence to quality of life and health
  • Challenges faced by those with complex conditions in managing medications
  • Best practice tips for providers in helping consumers with supports for self-care and medication adherence
  • How Relias can help you get better at what you do

Watch the Webinar now