
  • Monique Lucas

    Monique Lucas BSN, RN, CCM, CCCTM

    Vice President of Integrated Care, CCBHC at Monarch

  • Rola Aamar

    Rola Aamar PhD

    Partner, Behavioral Health Solutions, Relias

  • Vicki Ittel

    Vicki Ittel Ph.D.

    Director, Solutions, Relias


CCBHC and COVID-19: Monarch Shares CCBHC Experience While Navigating the Coronavirus Pandemic

About This Webinar

Since their inception in 2017, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) have proven to be an integral part of the healthcare community. This has become even more apparent as we continue to navigate the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

How have CCBHCs been able to serve their community and support their staff during this unprecedented time? Additionally, why should organizations consider becoming a CCBHC in the middle of the pandemic? Watch this webinar to hear Monique Lucas, BSN, RN, from Monarch discuss their CCBHC journey with Relias.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • Monarch’s journey to becoming a CCBHC in North Carolina
  • How Monarch has been able to better serve their community since receiving CCBHC designation
  • Ways the CCBHC model of care prepared Monarch to navigate the coronavirus pandemic
  • Tips for implementing the CCBHC model, even if you aren’t in the process of becoming one right now

Watch the Webinar now