
  • Arlene Bridges

    Arlene Bridges

    Senior Product Manager for IDD & ABA, Relias


DSP Retention Strategies from an IDD Expert

Stop the Revolving Door

Does your list of direct support staff resemble more of a revolving door vs. a locked vault?

IDD organizations have long struggled with the challenges of finding, keeping, and ensuring the competence of the direct support workforce they employ. Direct support staff recruitment, retention, and competence serve as the most significant barriers to the sustainability and growth of organizations serving people with developmental disabilities. In this webinar, Arlene Bridges, an IDD business expert, offers applicable strategies to improve the hiring process and increase the retention of DSP staff.

Watch this webinar to discover:

  • Practical strategies to improve DSP screening and hiring practices, onboarding programs, and help increase retention of DSP staff.
  • Ways to overcome barriers to changing current processes and provide examples of success in the implementation of these strategies.
  • Additional resources to carry these practices forward.

Watch the Webinar now