
  • Jayne Warwick

    Jayne Warwick RN, HBScN

    Director of Market Insight, PointClickCare (PCC)


Trauma-Informed Care: Implementing a Meaningful, Person-Driven Program for RoP Phase 3

About This Webinar

Trauma comes in many forms and can be different things to different people—but it impacts how we deal with the world around us and the people in it. As care givers, it should impact how we care for the residents living in our buildings. Providing behavioral health care and services is an integral part of the person-centered environment and requires an interdisciplinary approach with highly qualified staff. Residents who are trauma survivors must receive culturally competent, trauma-informed care, in accordance with professional standards of practice and that accounts for resident experiences and preferences, in order to eliminate or mitigate triggers that may cause re-traumatization of the resident.

During this webinar, we provide guidance around the implementation of the six principles of a trauma-informed care program as it affects the whole organization and discuss the need for individualized approaches to care.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • The required elements for behavioral health for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the RoP
  • Where to find helpful resources to assist with creation of a behavioral health program
  • Three leadership strategies for caring for someone with behavioral or mental health issues

Watch the Webinar now