
  • Jayne Warwick

    Jayne Warwick RN, HBScN

    Director of Market Insight, PointClickCare (PCC)


Requirements of Participation Phase 3 Basics – What You Need to Know Before November 28, 2019

About This Webinar

Implementation of the final phase of the mega rule occurs on November 28, 2019 – about 60 days after the implementation of PDPM. There are significant requirements stipulated in Phase 3, requiring you to adapt the way you provide care and ensure quality and resident safety in your homes. In this webinar, we will review the requirements for Phase 3 and how you will need to adapt the business of care to be in compliance.

Watch this webinar to learn about:

  • The new elements being implemented in 2019
  • 4 key areas for implementation which require changes to business processes
  • Implications of the new requirements including what information needs to be shared with survey, and possibly legal teams, moving forward

Watch the Webinar now