
  • Karen Johnson

    Karen Johnson LCSW

    Director of Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health


What Does Becoming Trauma-Informed Mean for Non-Clinical Staff?

Does your organization embrace a trauma-informed care framework?

Addressing trauma is now the expectation, not the exception, in behavioral health and community organizations.  There is an urgency to spread the understanding of trauma far beyond the scope of the clinical and peer work force to ensure everyone in an organization is becoming trauma-informed.  But, what does “becoming trauma-informed” mean for direct care behavioral health and community providers?

Watch the webinar to learn the basics of trauma and why all individuals working in behavior health and community services need to embrace trauma-informed care. Explore the change in thinking and behavior that is at the core of “becoming trauma-informed.” Learn how to apply this approach in everyday interactions and how it strengthens our programs and environments for everyone involved.

At the end of this webinar, participants will:
  • Be aware of the definition, prevalence and impact of trauma;
  • Be aware of the paradigm shift that is critical to becoming trauma-informed
  • Increase their understanding of the need for everyone in an organization to embrace this approach
  • Be able to identify three ways in which they can apply trauma-informed principles in their daily work

Watch the Webinar now