
  • Karen Johnson

    Karen Johnson LCSW

    Director of Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health

  • Linda Henderson-Smith

    Linda Henderson-Smith LCSW

    Director of Children and Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health


Be Attentive: All Language Matters! Using Trauma Sensitive Language

About This Webinar

Watch this webinar to learn the basics of trauma and how to use trauma-sensitive language verbally and in writing to support recovery while still meeting the deficit-based requirements of most insurance companies. Learn more about the urgent need for all individuals working in behavior health and community services to practice using trauma-sensitive language.

  • Identify negative language
  • Explain the hazards of negative language, especially to children, young adults and families who have experienced trauma
  • Describe positive alternatives to common negative language used

Watch the Webinar now