
  • Karen Johnson

    Karen Johnson LCSW

    Director of Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health


Trauma-Informed Care and the Focus on Staff

Moving from Compassion Fatigue to Compassion Satisfaction

Self-care is a top priority in trauma-informed care initiatives. We know that the effects of working in behavioral health and human services can take its toll, and working in a trauma-informed way requires focus, self-awareness and positive energy. Thus, a trauma-informed approach prioritizes taking care of our employees, each other and ourselves.

Watch this webinar to discover:

  • Compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma and burnout.
  • The importance for all staff members to prioritize self-care.
  • Steps you can take to move from compassion fatigue to compassion satisfaction
  • How focusing on self-care will strengthen the quality of the services you provide

Watch the Webinar now