Course Preview

Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care

About This Course

Over 90% of people receiving behavioral healthcare have a history of trauma. In this course, you will learn about the various types of trauma, the long-lasting consequences of trauma, and what it means to provide care through a trauma-informed lens.

Through interactive practice scenarios and detailed examples, you will learn the scope of your role and responsibilities when you are serving individuals with histories of trauma. You will examine best practices to implement, as well as how to avoid harmful ones that can further perpetuate the suffering and silence of trauma. As you complete this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of how your personal history can impact your work with trauma survivors. Importantly, you will learn what it means to provide trauma-informed care, and why this approach is a multi-faceted one that you should consider for the individuals you serve.

This training is designed for behavioral healthcare professionals who interact with individuals in a variety of behavioral healthcare settings, including those with basic to intermediate levels of experience with trauma.

Learn more about trauma-informed care solutions.