
  • Cheryl Sharp

    Cheryl Sharp MSW, ALWF

    Senior Advisor of Trauma-Informed Services, National Council for Behavioral Health


Implementing Trauma-Informed Care Systems

About This Webinar

A deep dive into information about the principles of a trauma-informed care approach and what a trauma-informed care organization looks like. Explore what an organization needs to start doing, stop doing and do more of in order to become more trauma-informed. Participants will discover the critical elements of the implementation process involved in leading this type of transformational change within an organization.

Overview of topics discussed include:

  • Principles of trauma-informed-approaches
  • Examples of trauma-informed organizations
  • National Council’s 7 domains of trauma-informed care
  • Critical steps involved in the implementation of a trauma-informed care approach
  • Implementing on a system and community wide level.

Presented in partnership with the National Council for Behavioral Health.

Watch the Webinar now