Trauma-Informed Care

Training and resources to help organizations implement the trauma-informed care framework.


The experience of trauma has widespread impact on the lives of those we serve, leading to or exacerbating mental illnesses, substance use, and physical health conditions. In a truly integrated whole health system of care, effectively treating behavioral and physical health conditions must involve addressing the impact of trauma.

If you’re working towards becoming a trauma-informed organization (or just want to learn more about trauma-informed care), this resource hub will help you understand the basics of trauma, the TIC framework, and how to care for your staff.

Importance of Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care (TIC) has become a widely recognized paradigm for creating safe spaces for individuals who have experienced trauma and reducing the likelihood that accessing services would cause re-traumatization. The impact of TIC on individuals and organizations is powerful, and this approach has shown to be effective in reducing trauma-related symptoms.

Trauma-Informed care is not a “hot topic” or a “fad” in behavioral health. It is becoming a standard practice across all of healthcare. National Council for Behavioral Health shares the value of trauma-informed care and the impact it has on clinical outcomes and staff engagement in the video below:

Trauma 101 Articles

Trauma 101: The Basics of Trauma and Its Impact

Trauma-informed Care is a model that has long been promoted in healthcare and social service settings. However, there are still many providers who struggle to implement it.

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Addressing Trauma in Individuals with IDD

Recognizing whether an individual with IDD has experienced trauma can be difficult for caregivers. This blog looks at how organizations can address this challenge.

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What Are the Social Determinants of Trauma?

Many healthcare leaders have heard of trauma-informed care as well as social determinants of health, but the intersection of the two is rarely considered.

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6 Tips to Help Your Nonclinical Staff Practice Trauma-Informed Care

In a trauma-informed organization all staff should be working from the same vision. In tis blog we share six ways to help nonclinical staff practice trauma-informed care.

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A Survivor’s Story: Why Trauma-Informed Care Is Crucial in Treatment

Misdiagnosed and treated for bipolar disorder, Lorilee Binstock was in fact experiencing PTSD as a result of childhood trauma. A trauma that she kept a secret until her fifth suicide attempt.

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Creating a Trauma-Informed System of Care: New Tools to Help Your Organization

Any organization can implement and benefit from a trauma-informed system of care, this blog looks at some of the basic principles to take into account.

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COVID-19 and Trauma: How a Pandemic Affects Our Mental Health

Epidemics have been shown to create general stress across the populations they affect, and we are yet to see the long-term effects of COVID-19 on mental health.

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Implementing TIC at the Organization Level

The trauma-informed care framework involves recognizing, understanding, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. Rather than seeing trauma reactions as pathological, it reframes these reactions as adaptive.

Implementing the trauma-informed care framework requires the entire organization to shift their thinking and mindset on how to address trauma in all persons served. From your board of directors and leadership team to clinical and non-clinical staff, everyone plays a role when delivering TIC.

Leverage these resources to learn the critical elements involved in leading this type of transformational change at your organization:

Implementing Trauma-Informed Care Systems

A deep dive into information about the principles of a trauma-informed care approach and what a trauma-informed care organization looks like.

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What Does Becoming Trauma-Informed Mean for Non-Clinical Staff?

Watch this webinar to get a look at what “becoming trauma-informed” means for direct care behavioral health and community providers.

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Trauma-Informed Supervision: It's for Everyone

Learn how trauma-informed care principles can be infused into your supervision work to increase your staff’s job satisfaction and engagement.

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5 Key Elements to Trauma-Informed Care

Download this white paper to receive resources and assessment tools to help your organization become more trauma-informed.

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5 Key Elements to Trauma-Informed Care for IDD Organizations

Download this white paper to learn more about how trauma-informed care can positively impact persons served and staff at IDD organizations.

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Trauma-Informed Care and Your Staff

Self-care is a top priority in trauma-informed care initiatives. The effects of working in behavioral health and human services can take its toll on the body and mind. It’s important for organizations to support their employees to prevent compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, burnout, and moral injury. By taking care of your staff, you’ll strengthen the quality of services you provide and improve outcomes for your clients. Learn more about fostering positive energy and self-awareness at your organization:

Trauma-Informed Care and the Focus on Staff

The effects of working in behavioral health and human services can take its toll, and working in a trauma-informed way requires focus and positive energy.

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Compassion Fatigue, Secondary/Vicarious Trauma and the Importance of Self Care

How do we go from compassion fatigue to compassion satisfaction and regain the love for the work we do?

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What Does Becoming Trauma-Informed Mean for Non-Clinical Staff?

Watch this webinar to get a look at what “becoming trauma-informed” means for direct care behavioral health and community providers.

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Relias Can Help You Implement Trauma-Informed Care

Becoming and maintaining a trauma-informed organization isn’t a one-time implementation or the responsibility of a committee. It requires full support from your leadership, board of directors, and employees. It also requires ongoing communication and training.

Relias offers training to help everyone at your organization not only understand trauma-informed care but practice it as well. Learn how Relias can help your organization implement trauma-informed care, including training courses available in our behavioral health library by filling out this form.

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